Change a Kid’s Life
Orthopedic Treatments in Ghana for underprivileged kids
It all started 23 years ago …Then as of 2002:
Regular visits with a team of doctors
Different cities; Accra, Kumasi, Mampong / Ashanti and Jamasi
Every visit is for 2 to 3 weeks
Since 2018 the mission opened an Orthopaedic Dpt. and Physiotherapy Cntr. in Jamasi
Self-funded by Rtn. Dr. Andreas and other donors and volunteers
RCJ started supporting fellow RCJ Rotarian Dr. Andreas Appelt in 2019 to enable him help the underprivileged children in Ghana
Why Ghana Children specifically?
Scarcity of Orthopedic medical experience in Ghana
Even if experience is volunteered, treatment is still considered expensive compared to locals’ income, due to the costs of instruments, implants and prescribed medicines,
Orthopedic treatment requires long recovery time and high-level protocol implementation involving local staff,
Responsible government facilities suffer from limited resources
The most Treatments are for
Deformities on upper and lower limbs,
Club feet,
Malunion on Bones,
Bone- and Joint Infections
The most needed is
Equipment and Medical Support
for Clubfoot:
Closed Manipulation with Cast: 20 Dollars
Open Manipulation with Tendon Release: 30 Dollars
Open Manipulation with Osteotomy of Bones and internal Fixation: 100 US Dollars
For Leg Deformities:
Open reduction with Osteotomy and internal Fixation: 100 US Dollars
For Osteomyelitis:
Open Reduction and Eradication of necrotic bone and external Fixation: 300 US Dollars